So have you heard that the Deloitte Fast50 for 2013 has been announced and we came 22nd 😉

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Well one of the cool things about the Fast50 is that there are a myriad of different companies, doing different things and all at different stages of their company lifecycle.

And that my friends is all good data.  And what do we do with data?  We make it visible.

So we got Kathryn our resident Storytelling Data Artist to spend a few minutes to whack together a pretty picture of this data, aka an Infographic.

Feel free to download the pdf version by clicking on the pretty picture below.

Some things that tweaked my interest:

  • OptimalBI is in the 300% growth segment (the Orange one of course 😉 and has lots of friends, as does the the 100% and 200% bunch each being evenly split (ish)
  • 5-10 years in business is the sweet spot to get in the picture
  • The industries are pretty even (I had expected a raft of software tech start-ups), good to see services are the most prevalent
  • The 400% & 500% club have a lot more shareholders, is this providing funding that accelerates growth vs the boot-strappers?
  • If you’ve been in the Fast50 last year its hard to keep massive growth going and so you will likely be in the 100% club
  • Its getting harder to make the grade with the seedling level of entry growing over the years to be around 160% growth in 2013

Deloitte Fast50 Infographic Thumbnail