I have been doing some research on cool and advanced ways of visualising large volumes of data and content.

Stumbled across a Technology called WebGL and a few interesting examples.

Check out:


Once you have finished playing with it, close your eyes.

Imagine if you used this technique to list all the reports available in your BI environment.

Imagine if the browse feature allowed you to view them by subject area (Finance, HR etc) or key master business entity (Customer, Product, Service etc).

Imagine how easy your users would find it to find answers to the questions they have (which i’m guessing was the one of the core business value statements in your BI investment business case).

Now imagine your users seeing this and then going back to that list of reports you make them choose (guess) via that drop down menu or list in the portal.

How do you feel?

(isnt it amazing the power of visualisation 😉